No nation is born multicultured. Multiculturalism is an unnatural as well as unhealthy
condition that can only afflict states in national decline. A multicultural state carries
in it's geneses the seeds of eventual national destruction.
All multicultural nations will be found to be in a state of political, moral, economic and
social decay. Greed and corruption will characterize the government coupled with
oppressive measures directed against citizens. Lies and deceit will be stock and trade of
media, politicians, and educational institutions. Such are the bellwethers of a
multiculturalist advent.
In modern times multiculturalism is instituted from the top down as an elitist ruling
class tool used to play one or more racial or ethnic groups against another. The ensuing
cultural melee serves the political designs, economic goals and power needs of elitist
rulers and their sponsors. This technique was developed by Marxist ideologues who used
multiculturalism in Russia to divide and conquer resistance to the institution of a
communist state. The end result of their successful takeover was the murder of thirty
million humans in the Soviet Union alone. Many more elsewhere.
The same internationalist cabals who sponsored Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin as the
multicultural leaders of the Soviet state from their banking houses in New York, similarly
sponsor the multicultural leaders of the United States, Canada, and Europe today. An
interlocking network of foundations such as Ford and Carnegie, international banking
empires such as Rockefeller and Rothschild, and government agencies firmly in their
control work in tandem with controlled propaganda outlets such as the New York Times, CBS,
and Hollywood, to promote, foster, and institute multiculturalism today. While the
examples used in this essay deal primarily with the United States the same process with
the same methods is being employed elsewhere. This of itself is prima facie evidence of a
cabal which promotes multiculturalism as a tool to achieve its objectives.
Multiculturalism is being used as a hammer to forge the compliant people who will compose
the obedient states of the New World Order. As a weapon of post modern political warfare
multiculturalism has few equals, which, thus explains its use currently against all of
Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Deliberate
fragmentation of these nations and the resultant loss of national identity and purpose
into politically disharmonious units, serves as a stepping stone to world government. And
who will compose that world government? A ruling class consisting of an "economic
hierarchy" that replaces the philosophy of the nineteenth century "natural
hierarchy." A force that views countries and the people that live in them first as
economic targets to be exploited, and second as military targets to be defeated if they
One must not let himself be confused by the window dressing of willing dupes from the left
who are most often, but not always, seen as the spokesmen for the glories of
multiculturalism. Liberal supporters of multiculturalism amount to nothing more than
opportunist parasites riding on the back of a social fungus attacking the body politic.
While some incoherent liberals have been spokesmen for multiculturalism, they should not
be viewed as representing other main stream liberals any more so than do so-called
conservatives like Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich speak for constitutionalists and populists.
The real stimulus, unseen elitist who promote multiculturalism as a tool of warfare, are
themselves anything but liberal, progressive, or democratic. Rather they are global social
tyrants who seek more power, more wealth, and more control over people--and they could
care less what the politics are of those they seek to rule.
Elitists schemers envision a dictatorial world government composed of forcibly federated
states, which, properly speaking, are police states without borders. The United
Nations will serve as the store house front and public face of those who from behind the
scenes manipulate world events. Economically envisioned is a global workers plantation
overseen by transnational corporations who have no more concern for the human rights of
those who produce their products or services than Stalin did for his miserable workers.
Vassal states are to produce goods and insure compliance of their subjects by defining all
opposition to the borderless police state as terrorism. Thus will be the
good times. In bad times, when elitist multinational corporations are unable to maintain
control, the armed might of NATO will be used to enforce obedience by non-compliant
Just as television commercials are run by those who will profit from their airing,
multiculturalism is fostered upon a country by its sponsors who intend to benefit from its
Those who sponsor multiculturalism are properly called multiculturalists and generally
will be found to be those people with the least amount of personal culture appertaining to
them. As a dying tree drops its leaves and is attacked by fungus and worms of decay, so to
is a nation set upon by multiculturalists. The dominate culture is attacked from all
sides. This is not so much a product of maliciousness as necessity. By vilifying,
leveling, and weakening the dominant culture, an environment is created for social,
political, and economic turmoil which produces change that will benefit the sponsors of a
multiculturalist state. If the government and news media relentlessly pursue issues of
race, gender, and diversity in preference to the real issues that need to be addressed,
there will be an increasing division of society along the same lines. Which is exactly
what the sponsors of multiculturalism want.
Social instability, caused by a steady erosion of standards and values, coupled with a
scramble over dwindling economic opportunities by conflicting ethnic groups, produces
precisely the alienation and conflict needed to implement a multicultural state. Further,
the lack of common standards and values leads to personal disorganization, resulting in
unsociable behavior. This is the life support system of a multicultural state. In a word:
As a political tool multiculturalism has several applications. It is used to prevent a
national consensus among the electorate. The confluence of divergent life views, cultures,
beliefs, religions, ethnic habits, etc. insures a swirling river of discontent upon which
the multiculturalist rides. It is a perfect method of ensuring that there can never in the
future be accord, unity, and a common agreed upon destiny among those ruled.
Multiculturalism represents a basic form of divide and conquer, to the benefit of corrupt
government and its sponsors.
Multiculturalism is likewise a financial tool used to socially and economically level a
targeted population. When implemented, it becomes in fact a battle over scarce resources
and shrinking economic opportunities, with government weighing in on the side of cheap
labour. A continual flow of impoverished workers is insured through immigration (both
legal and illegal), who by working for less compensation continually drive wages down. For
the vast majority of citizens the standard of living will not increase, but rather
constantly decrease.
As a general rule:
The amount of multiculturalism in any society is directly proportional to the corruption
at the top of a political system and inversely proportional to national unity.
This means: multiculturalism will have succeeded in so much as the country has failed.
Multiculturalism can further be used as "transitional tool" to take a targeted
population from one form of government to another. When a political condition of greed,
massive corruption, and diversity of objective is coupled to a social condition of drugs,
violence, and discontent, therein exists the perfect environment for governmental change
to a system that more closely serves long term interests of ruling elitists. Seeing that
both the problem and solution are provided by the same people makes the CIA's importation
of some one hundred billion dollars worth of cocaine and other drugs into the United
States understandable. While at the same time explaining FBI, ATF, and other, more
secretive federal government agencies involvement in domestic terrorism or its cover-up.
Suddenly, that which erroneously was previously thought to be unrelated events show their
common thread and purpose.
Within the deleterious milieu of multiculturalism exists the propaganda opportunity for
re-education of the people into a more malleable entity. A targeted population will be
shaped mentally by new forms of public education in the schools, media indoctrination, and
by elitist pronouncements. Thus placed in a crucible of economic necessity and social
pressure, once free citizens become despondent masses, adjusting to and accepting
fundamentally changing national circumstances as a matter of expedient survival. For the
reticent, conformity by force will ensue in the form of legal penalties disguised as
ant-drug, anti-terrorism, or anti-hate laws. All of this leading toward what George Orwell
so aptly predicted in his book 1984:
"Almost certainly we are moving into an age of totalitarian dictatorships. An
age in which freedom of thought will be at first a deadly sin and later on a meaningless
A society is being spawned where those with the most unsociable behavior, deviant
lifestyle, or personal failures are given the most by government. This is no accident! It
is not government blundering, nor is it misguided liberalism; it is exactly what it is by
design, purpose, and objective. A program advocated by both Republican and Democratic
administrations for the elitist backers of both are the same. It is the program of a
government which has fallen firmly into the hands of evil forces. Failure to recognize
this salient point will result in endlessly chasing after tangents, or needlessly blaming
those who have no power to change the current direction of events. Anger directed toward
liberals,(2) Blacks, or people of colour is wasted.
Reorganization of the government from the bottom up would be productive.
Multiculturalism, like drugs, is an insidious weapon. Both destroy the heart and fabric of
a people. All ties to family, community, and one's people as a whole are destroyed by
these two opiates of the human mind. Both are sponsored from the top down by one world
elitists bent upon creating a world order who's power is such that its subjects posses no
potential for resistance.
By its very nature every emerging police state seeks to harness both the power of the
state and the people to its will. When calls are made for support of cryptic slogans such
as war on crime, drugs, terrorism, hate, poverty, etc. what is really meant is "grant
power to the state and applaud the rape of your freedom." In sum: multiculturalism is
another program designed to create the subjects of a Police State Without Borders. When
coupled with the "war on drugs" and "war on terrorism," Orwell's world
of endless war is realized. It would be their world, their orders, and nothing new, for a
lust for despotism is as old as mankind himself.
The anti-thesis of multiculturalism is moral, religious, and cultural solidarity among the
people of a nation. Belief in one's self and the ultimate good of his people. A
cohesiveness that produces a national vision, with set boundaries of acceptability and
unacceptability in the affairs of a nation, while allowing for the natural differences in
men. Multiculturalism as a tool of warfare becomes impotent and rejected in such an
A necessary first step toward recovery is to look at politics, social policy, and
government emanating from Washington D.C. with new eyes, unclouded by a lifetime of
false information and deception propagated by elitist sponsors. Pretending any
longer that the bought and paid for political prostitutes in Washington D.C. represent you
or anyone you know is tantamount to cutting your own wrist with a razor blade.
Self-destructive behavior may qualify one for government "protected class
status" under diversity laws--but it will not save you, your family, or your nation.
America, Canada, and most of Europe are ruled by politicians about whom the best that can
be said is that they are men of ill repute, each out to loot the state. One thing is
clear, the American ruling elite of today are far closer in ideological viewpoint to world
government ruled by a privileged few than it is to the world of the American Revolution or
the Constitutional Convention of 1789. Yet still, the spirit of 1776 lives on in this
land. For once again rebellion to tyrants in obedience to God is afoot. Listen closely and
in the distance you can hear the ring of liberty's bell calling gallant sons and
noble daughters to her aid. They know no left, nor right, only treason. And they will not
fear to answer. Let tyrants tremble. And though the heavens fall, let there be justice.
Foot Notes:
1. Those who imagine the United Nations in and of itself
as a military threat are naive or deliberately mislead. Global elitist would never trust
the U.N. with an army other than one on loan. Because of the U.N.'s diversity there is too
great a potential for some member states taking as serious elitist propaganda of
"democratic" rule and "equality" then using any military that might
exist without elitist sanction. NATO on the other hand is controlled by the United States
government, which is the chief force behind the establishment of the New World Order. It
is, and will remain in the foreseeable future, the army of choice for insuring compliance.
A quick change of hat from green to blue will make NATO troops "UN Forces" when
such need is sanctioned by elitists.
2. Indeed liberal thinkers such as Daniel Brandt have written far more eloquently about the deleterious effects of multiculturalism than the present writer. Brandt's essay Multiculturalism and the Ruling Elite is a must read for those interested in the subject.