
Under Two Flags

by Heinz Weichardt

Under Two Flags


After years of urging my dear friend Heinz Weichardt to make at least a partial memoir of the vicissitudes of his interesting life, he finally was persuaded by Louis Beam, whom he met last year, to do so. This article was originally in the form of a letter to Louis.

Heinz certainly has had an unusual perspective of the Twentieth Century. A supporter of Hitler who left Germany as an unwanted non-Aryan, he became an enemy alien in America. As the years passed, Heinz became successful in his field of physics (electron-optics), retiring from IBM as a manager in its research division. As his article reveals, he never wavered in his support for National Socialism, even if he had himself been rejected by it.

Lately there has appeared a peculiar contempt for Historical Revisionism. The latter has undeniably been slashing and chopping the roots of contemporary Jewish power, so Heinz was very unsettled by such criticism. He told me often that when the Holocaust was beginning to be promoted in the 1960s he could only recall his school days in Germany. "I went to school with those fellows in the SS. I knew that they were simply not capable of behavior which the Jews were ascribing to them." He felt that Revisionism was crucial to the regeneration of his once-beloved Germany which has staggered under the libels of Jewish-American lies for fifty years. The same goes for this miserable country.

Heinz believed that our goal must be to disfranchise Jews, to dislodge them from government, medicine, law, education, the arts and, of course, from the media. He believes that to criticize those who have demonstrated the Holocaust to be a lie only helps to maintain the Jews as our overlords. .

It doesn't matter if one genius today says he knew the Holocaust was phony in 1958 and because of that Revisionism is a waste of time. I don't notice any reduction of Holocaust poison in the media today; our children continue to receive it. They must be protected from deadly lies. We adults must grow up, too. The truth will make us mad. It may makes us fight. The fighting may one day make us free.

J. B. Campbell

February 23, 1995


Dear Louis,

I felt that I should give you a somewhat more extended background to the political situation which led to the events of January 1933 in Germany, since most of the pertinent facts are only rarely realized by or available to the citizenry of this country.

First a few biographical notes about myself. My father, Dr. Carl Weichardt, of Frisian background, was among the dozen leading journalists of Germany, during the years 1911 to 1944. From 1912 to 1932 he was chief editorial writer and foreign correspondent for the Frankfurter Zeitung, the leading liberal German newspaper, Jewish owned. From 1934 to 1944 he was editor and in charge of reporting about all major cultural events for the Berliner Morgenpost, the largest German daily then and again today. During that time the Morgenpost was owned by the publishing house, Eher, which also published the Völkische Beobachter, the official government paper during the Hitler years. After the Second World War he became the co-founder of a small south-German newspaper. He died in the year 1955. His brother became an officer in the Imperial Army during the First World War and during the Weimar Republic he was the adjutant to General-Fieldmarshal and President von Hindenburg in the latter's honor regiment. His oldest son lied about his age to join the army during World War I and became a lieutenant at the age of eighteen. He remained with the Reichswehr during the Weimar years and became a high level officer in the Wehrmacht. He fell during the campaign in Russia. The next son was active as a radical nationalist as early as 1921 and was even jailed for a few months because of it during the Weimar years. Later he became a NS party functionary. The third son became a Reichswehr officer and later a lieutenant colonel in the Wehrmacht. He was seriously wounded in Russia but is still alive and well at the age of ninety-four. The fourth, my youngest cousin, fell as a member of Rommel's Afrika-Korps and is buried at Tobruk. A brother of my grandfather emigrated to South Africa and his son, Louis Weichardt, was the highly respected founder of the national socialist movement of South Africa in the early thirties. During the war he was incarcerated by the British. At the end of the war he was released and became the senator of the province Natal. He was so highly respected that after his death in 1985, even the Zionist Capetown Times, which had fought him for sixty years, wrote a decent obituary.

My mother, of Jewish extraction, was a professional musician and renowned opera singer. Her father fought in the Prussian army during the Franco-Prussian war of 1871. Her brother-in-law was a professional soldier and captain in the Imperial Austrian army. He fell during the first six days of World War I when Russia invaded Austria and Germany. Her first cousin, also an Austrian officer, received shrapnel in his right lung on the same occasion and spent the following seven years as prisoner of war in Siberia. Another of her cousins fell on the Western Front and still another cousin survived all actions of the war in the Balkans and became, during the early thirties, personal adjutant to prince Starhemberg, the leader of the Austrian nationalist, but not national-socialist, Heimwehren until the Anschluss.

I was born in 1914 and grew up in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, depending on my father's assignments. From 1929 to the end of 1938 I lived in Berlin where I finished my intermediate schooling and obtained my master's degree in engineering-physics from the Berlin Institute of Technology. I like to emphasize the military participation of the Jewish part of my family because this was by no ways an exception but rather the norm, especially among the more well-to-do Jewish families which strived to be Germans first and in many cases, such as my family's, to forget their Jewishness by letting themselves be baptized. It is generally well known that in no other country in the world was the Jewish community assimilated as well as in Germany. Examples: One of the best known German romanticists, H. Heine, was Jewish (baptized); the greatest Jewish composer, Mendelsohn, was another German romanticist and to this day his music cannot be performed in some synagogues because he too had himself baptized. The best friend of the Kaiser was Albert Ballin, the Jewish founder of the largest German shipping line and the only person who had a private telephone line into the emperor's bedroom. The famous Jewish chemist Haber was director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry where he developed the process for the production of ammonia from the nitrogen in the air. For this he received the Nobel Price for chemistry. Without this process the German armament industry would not have been able to produce sufficient munitions within one year into World War I. As a fact, the condition of the 500,000 Jews among the sixty million Germans was such that at the beginning of the war in 1914 the American-Jewish press stood solidly behind Germany.

What happened then? Why was there virulent "anti-Semitism" in Germany only ten to fifteen years later?

The main reason that Jewry became so respectable and could aspire to be accepted by the highest levels of German society was the rigid structure of the Prussian dominated state. Within this environment there simply was no possible room to develop shady business methods so acceptable to the oriental mind; there were no corruptible officials which could be bought because to become an official did not entail the possibility to enrich yourself at the cost of the public. It was an honor, which had to be earned by hard and successful labor. A teacher, a soldier, a postal employee, a policeman or any other government worker had to be a rle model and if he ever betrayed the trust given to him by the public he had to serve, he was finished. Today Prussianism is equated to despotism. Nothing could be further from the truth! The motto of Prussia and later of the German Reich was: Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz. (The well-being of the people is more important than your own.) This might sound somewhat exaggerated for the citizens of a vast and immensely rich domain, but must be the mode of survival in a relatively small, overpopulated country, whose main resource was the diligent labor of its hands and the creativity of its brains. Nothing describes better the difference in the idea of statehood better than the declarations of Frederick the Great of Prussia and Louis XIV of France. "I am the first servant of the state," for the former and "I am the state" for the latter. The Jews of Germany, and especially of Prussia, being, if nothing else, quite smart, simply adapted themselves very successfully to the rules of the game and many of them became even more Prussian than the Prussians. They were greatly assisted therein by Prussia as well as by the rest of the predominantly evangelical north Germany, being by far the religiously most tolerant domain in all of Europe. Any remaining anti-Jewishness, anti-Semitism barely existing, was mainly aimed at some Jewish mannerisms which sometimes grated on the somewhat stiff Prussian form of social etiquette. Today we know, of course, that exactly those mannerisms expose a deep-seated character flaw and, if permitted to become the norm of societal behavior, will lead to the destruction of a whole culture. A Jewish acquaintance of mine during the Hitler years, when asked why the Jewish people everywhere and always are getting into trouble, put it quite succinctly. The answer: Wir sind leider ein zwar kleines aber äußerst mieses Volk. (Unfortunately we are a small but exceedingly obnoxious people).

While the Jewish question seemed solved, or at least dormant, in Germany and most of western Europe, real trouble began across the Atlantic. After the disastrous defeat of the more civilized half of this country by ruthless Yankeeism, the North soon found that the fleeing blacks of the South were essentially useless for cheap labor in a feverishly expanding industry driven by mercantile materialism. The search for easy profit led to the laying of a cuckoo's egg of such size that after it is fully hatched may yet lead to the final destruction of this country. I am referring to the massive introduction of the "huddled masses and refuse" (Emma Lazarus' desecrating inscription at the foot of the Statue of Liberty). Thereafter this country was never the same. These masses were a totally different breed from the docile, now "liberated" slaves of the South. Mostly the large numbers of eastern Jews with their inborn "smartness" quickly worked themselves out of the sweatshops and low-paying industrial jobs and became independent businessmen. Their ruthless and unconscionable business methods, possibly a necessity for survival in Russian and Polish ghettos, were permitted to develop without restrictions in a country where unlimited personal liberty was sanctified. This lack of restrictions on personal behavior culminated in the appearance of such financial "geniuses" (I am quoting the Wall Street Journal) as Milken, Boesky, Steinberg and Levine. In Europe, meanwhile, the political influence of the Jewish banking dynasties became so strong that a Mrs. Rothschild could state, "My sons can decide if there will be war or not." After the death of Queen Victoria, under the rule of the already somewhat degenerate playboy, Edward, this influence would become all-pervasive. The simultaneous growth of German industrial might under the wise political guidance of Bismarck was of course unacceptable to British self-esteem and the thought that the competition on the world markets could be met with a bit more of hard labor and diligence or by reducing the length of the extended weekends to which English upper classes had become accustomed, was simply too horrible to be contemplated. When the Germans committed the unspeakable crime of becoming financially nearly independent from the international banking system and began to build a high-seas fleet to assure access to their modest colonial possessions, this was the last straw and something had to be done to put them down for good. With the help of Russian imperialism and French chauvinism and revanchism (they still had not reconciled themselves with the loss of the war of 1871 which was started by them under typical French delusions of grandeur) it was easy to pursue a policy of encirclement against Germany.

Kaiser Wilhelm was an utterly civilized and peace-loving man. I know this from the British mother of my best friend; she was a close personal friend of Wilhelm who in turn was my friend's godfather. The kaiser did suffer unfortunately from an inclination to vainglorious gab and this was used quite liberally against him by his enemies. At a much later time the similar afflictions of the warmongering criminals, Churchill and Roosevelt, were generally well accepted! After the Russians arranged the murder of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand through their Serbian dupes, the First World War was on. The American people wanted to stay out of the European mess, but since the country was, at the time, suffering from one of its strangely recurring recessions, the powers that were decided differently. The opportunity of reaping huge profits by supplying one of the fighting sides with liberal credits and massive infusions of war matériel was too tempting and could not be ignored.

Alas, the boys in New York and Washington bet on the wrong horse. The war went badly for them. By the year 1916 Russia was ready to collapse and on the Western Front the combined Anglo-French forces were fought to a standstill. The treacherous Italians (they were bound by a tripartite treaty to Austria and Germany until they found it to their advantage to switch sides) were losing in the south. The multiple declarations of war by many powers as distant as Japan and Brazil did not seem to improve the situation either and there were nasty rumors of a negotiated peace floating in the air. At exactly this point the seeds were laid to the future growth of German "anti-Semitism" (a euphemism for anti-Judaism) because the majority of middle-eastern Semites were still backing Germany at that time. The Jewish bankers in London and New York had Britain over a barrel and found it easy to extract the Balfour Declaration, which promised them a Jewish homeland--but not a sovereign Jewish state--in Palestine, which in 1916 still belonged to Turkey. The British, being famous for their fairness and integrity in all their dealings, made a similar offer to middle-eastern Arabs and even dispatched T. E. Lawrence to found the Arab Legion. At a later time when Lawrence reminded his government of this promise he suddenly and conveniently died in a motorcycle accident.

As an aside, a propensity for accidental death seems to be quite common among people not agreeing with the prevailing Anglo-American policy. You surely remember George Patton, who wanted to warn the American people that the war was not won if the Western Allies did not continue their advances until they reached Warsaw. He also was greatly impressed by the human quality of the personnel in the SS-Führerschulen and had the audacity to state so publicly. After these unpopular utterances the healthy, strapping general suffered minor injuries in a highly suspicious car accident and died shortly from the consequences. Or the court appointed Jewish lawyer, who was to defend Ivan Demjanjuk during the latter's show trial in Jerusalem. It was his misfortune to discover some items which were disputed the claims of the prosecution and promptly and conveniently dropped out of a high-up hotel room window. It was declared a suicide but this was hotly denied by his family. There are many other cases, of course.

Back to 1916. After obtaining the Balfour Declaration the Jewish-American press and their followers made a sudden turnabout and began to pour their well-practiced venom on the still hard-fighting Germans, who were from now on to be known simply as barbarous Huns. This was not only a betrayal of Germany but also of their German co-religionists who were more accepted in Germany than anywhere else in the world and where most of their able-bodied men were still fighting for what they considered their fatherland. It was rather easy to convert the "idealistic" but feebleminded Wilson into a fanatic crusader for "democracy" and America joined the bloodletting with supposedly the best of intentions. As far as the public was concerned it was the job of the Jewish press, as well as others such as the Hearst press to release a never ending stream of anti-German hate propaganda which did a good job and the easily misled masses patriotically marched off to war. Russia had collapsed, the Jew Kerensky formed the first revolutionary government and decided to continue the war against Germany--a preposterous idea considering the condition of Russia at that time. Germany, eager to end the war in the east, decided to help a new and more radical revolution in Russia. Lenin, leader of the far left Communists, was residing in Zurich. He had promised to end the war with Germany as soon as he was in control of Russia and negotiations began for his secret transport through Germany to St. Petersburg. I am somewhat familiar with these occurrences because my father was at that time the top member of the German press corps in Switzerland and got involved in the above- mentioned negotiations. The Jews outside Germany decided to help Lenin along in his bid for power and sent his comrade Trotsky (Bronstein) and hundreds of Communist Jewish radicals from Brooklyn, armed with untold millions of dollars, to Russia. The rest is well-known history as far as the events in Russia are concerned.