Essays on government, politics, religion,
history, Vietnam, the emerging Federal police state, and love.
With so much being written about me, and so little of my work actually on the
net, I thought it prudent to make available some of my essays.
I leave it to the reader to determine the worthiness of my work.
The true purpose of the United States'
"War On Terror” is NOT to install at most the pretense of democracy in far-a-way
places that do not want our "democracy" but rather a secret malevolent
purpose of curtailing freedom at home by people who do want it. As James
Madison, a founding father of the Republic said 'If tyranny and oppression come
to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.'
More laws restricting freedom and liberty have been passed since the birth of The War On Terror here in the U.S. than in all the history of this country combined from 1779 to 2001. It is quite apparent as well that this is true in other countries who are also engaged in this Orwellian war without end. A world-wide Police State will be the only lasting legacy and results of "The War On Terror." Which is the very exact reason why such an event as (9/11) was allowed to occur. ( Elitists in the power structure of command and control do not believe for one brief second this so called war will end in “victory” nor do they need for it to do so to achieve their objectives. For they know that they have already won the victory of an emerging Police State without borders.
There is, in fact, one thing these would be world-wide potentates do not comprehend to the full extent of its value. We will resist. From the rising of the sun on the European continent to the setting of the sun in America and beyond a world-wide bond of freedom loving people is developing. These resistors to tyranny may not agree on many things that is true. Nor is it necessary that do so to effectively resist. For there is beauty in differing men agreeing to oppose a common evil. There is one thing all agree upon: freedom is worth fighting for. Let each person look to past examples of his own countrymen who fought nobly for freedom and liberty. Let those many and varied methods of resistance become a guidepost to the future for each of us in our own way and form. Let us seek to create a song of freedom to be heard around the world, which is composed note by note in our individual acts of resistance to tyranny. We will be heard. Let the music begin.
Louis Beam
Leaderless Resistance;
Leaderless Resistance in Russian:
Бескомандное Сопротивление; Spanish: Resistencia sin líder;
French: La résistance
sans chef
; Greek:
Ακέφαλη Αντίσταση;
Odpor bez vodcu
Essays On Government Terror
Essays From Vietnam
The Seditionist
When Enemies Become Friends (is there any hope for the future?)
World Trade Center Bombing Was Jump Point For Global Police State
On Being your Friend, Or Should This Be: Why Must I Hate?
The Holocaust As A Mechanism Of Suppressing The Truth
Battle In Seattle: Americans Face Off The Police State
Let's Be Honest (an essay on left-wingers, right-wingers, government goons, and the good guys)
Sam Davis, Southern Patriot And Hero
The Captain (a poem I dearly love)
One Video The Government Would Never Want You To See
Le Fleur Arrangement by Louis Beam
A Brief Message to my many readers (5,000 per month and counting):
I understand from the many e-mails I receive that there is considerable demand for me to add more essays to this site. Many political science classes, history classes, and various colleges use my essays for assigned student reading. From these students I get requests for more information as well as biographical requests. I have little free time to answer e-mail and no desire to give interviews. What I have to say I place on this web site. I am adding more material from time to time, so I hope this helps all of you who are requesting more essays.
As to requests for factual biographical information. I have never had the desire to make my struggle one about myself, but rather about my ideas and analysis. Is what I say "true?" If so, that is the issue to be discussed. However, several professional hate groups (people who make their living off of "hate" issues) have for years provided almost totally inaccurate and completely misleading information that I have never seen fit to reply to. Nor do I now see fit to do so. I am not the issue, the issue is what I say and write about. Nevertheless, the tactics of those who do not possess the truth is to attack the messenger. So I am creating a page with some documents of my qualifications to write about what I deem important. Keep in mind that there are many people with no degrees and a lack of vast world experiences who are far superiour in intellect and knowledge than those holding degrees and titles. It was my experience in college that the best liars were those with the most degrees. So I make no claim to great knowledge from having attended a four year college. My claim, if any be necessary to write words upon a page, is that I have read, listened and pondered life and it's issues with an open mind that I did not have in my younger years and sharply honed it by great experiences. You may go to this link to see the first posts to that section of this web site: Biographical link.
Interesting Mail:
More Letters from a Russian history professor
Some letters I have found most interesting:
First from an Arab: "People like myself used to think that only our leaders were filthy dictators..."
The letter that means the most to me: I am a survivor of the holocaust...
A letter from a Vietnamese girl speaking out about the Louis Beam she knows "I am appalled "